The PBS Academy is a collective of organisations and individuals in the UK who are working together to promote Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) as a framework for working with children and adults with learning disabilities who are at risk of behaviour that challenges.
PBS is a multicomponent framework for developing an understanding of behaviour that challenges. It is based on the assessment of the broad social, physical and individual context in which the behaviour occurs, and uses this information to develop a range of evidence-based support. The overall goal is to enhance the person’s quality of life, thus reducing the likelihood of challenging behaviour occurring in the first place.
Draft Quality of Life Framework
Produced with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), this framework is part of an improved approach for evaluating the quality and effectiveness of service provision from the perspective of people using services. Read more here
A Quality of Life tool has been developed from this framework and CQC has been piloting this as part of its commitment to improving how it regulates services for people with a learning disability and autistic people. More here about the tool.